
We are so excited to invite all young women turning 12 during 2024 through our seniors graduating in 2024 to Stake Girls Camp at Heber Valley Camp on June 24-27, 2024. Please fill out both forms below and turn them in to your ward camp director before February 13, then upload a photo below. We will accept registration forms after this point, but for us to be able to plan for cabin space, activities, and food, we would appreciate having all forms back by the deadline. We also need forms for all adults attending as well!

We need every single light…

We would like to have a picture of every young women attending camp doing something that is so “her.” Do you like horses? Upload a picture of yourself with a horse. Do you dance or hurdle or play la crosse? Send us a picture of you doing those things or in your uniform or with your equipment. Are your interests more quiet and less visible? You could take a picture with a book, a video game controller, a paintbrush, or sewing machine. It doesn’t matter what your interests and talents are, we want to see you showing that off somehow! Be creative. Nothing is insignificant.

Upload Instructions:

  1. Download your photo(s) to your device of choice. (cell phone/iPad/laptop/desktop)

  2. Click this link. Follow the instructions below for your device:

  3. When the 2024 Stake YW Girls Camp folder opens, click the folder for your ward.

  • cell phone or iPad/tablet: click the “+” near the top of the window to upload the photo(s.)

  • laptop/desktop: open the location of your photos, then “drag-n-drop” the photo(s) into the folder OR select the upload button at the top of the window.